Hello AACMFS Members,
Abstracts for oral presentation at the AAMCFS 2025 Annual Meeting will be the focal point of the Scientific Session. Abstracts may focus on basic/scientific, translational, or clinical aspects of care, including case reports which would likely elicit robust discussion. Each abstract presentation will be no more than five Minutes in length, followed by an allotted time for discussion.
2025 AACMFS Annual Meeting
May 1-May 4
Four Seasons Baltimore
Baltimore, MD
Please consider the opportunity of sharing your work with colleagues!
Submission and Selection:
Please submit and upload your completed abstract by January 6 at: https://bit.ly/AACMFS-Abstracts-2025.
Save and name your abstract in this format:
Presenter name, Specialty Section abbreviated, Title of abstract abbreviated.
Upon acceptance, authors will be notified of final presentation and discussion date/time.
Note: Abstracts may be presented by one of your institutions fellows; however, a “Fellow/Member” of the AACMFS must be one of the authors.
Please see more details in the PDF attached.
Melissa Connor
Associate Executive Director
Professional Association Management
4850 Golden Parkway
Suite 418 B
Buford, GA 30518
770-271-0453 (o)
770-271-0634 (f)
404-735-4750 (c)